About me

Why I write

It all began with an unexpected twist in my life. As a research scientist with a Ph.D., finance seemed like an alien world that I actively tried to avoid. The complexity of it felt overwhelming, and I had no interest whatsoever. However, the winds of change blew with the onset of COVID-19. Despite remaining dedicated to my research, the turbulence in the stock market during 2020 caught my attention. The ubiquitous bad news about market fluctuations prompted an unexpected curiosity about finance.

My Experience

In the midst of the pandemic-induced market chaos, my wife made a suggestion that altered my perspective. She encouraged me to invest in stocks while the market was down. Hesitant and uninformed, I sought advice from her brother, who recommended putting money into S&P500. Despite my initial lack of understanding, we invested in VOO, an ETF tracking the S&P500. Emotions ran high as I monitored stock prices obsessively, experiencing the roller coaster of market fluctuations.

By the end of 2020, I decided to sell the stocks, and to my surprise, it resulted in a profitable venture. This initial experience on investing ignited a spark within me. Eager to understand the world of finance better, I dived into books by financial Gurus such as Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Howard Marks, and many others. Reading became more than just a learning experience; it evolved into a newfound hobby. Meeting financial advisors before Thanksgiving provided a significant revelation. I discovered that I understood most of what they discussed, with one advisor even suggesting I could manage my finances independently. This encounter boosted my confidence and intensified my thirst for financial knowledge. The journey from finance novice to making my own investment decisions was surprisingly swift, instilling in me the desire to become a financial planner or advisor in the future.

My Goals

From complete naivety about finance to comfortably making informed investment decisions, the role of reading books in my journey has been pivotal. My growing collection of finance-related books reflects my genuine interest, and I am driven to share my knowledge and experiences with others. I aim to help individuals overcome the fear associated with finance, proving that it is not just about numbers but an engaging and fulfilling domain. Finance, I’ve come to realize, is not boring at all—it’s a realm of endless possibilities and, surprisingly, a lot of fun!

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